Friday, June 13, 2014


Amigas, amigos!

I woke at 3AM with this fine idea running around in my head: why not keep VIVA CUBA! alive?

You know how it happens--you meet some wonderful people on a journey and vow to stay in touch, but slowly the glow fades and what was first an enthusiastic and well-intentioned exchange dwindles to a trickle, and most frequently vanishes altogether.

I have been so much entertained by our flurry of emails, by the variety of voices and visions, this thought occurred: why not, if you're so inclined, from time to time, send me an email that I could publish as a new post on VIVA CUBA!?

It doesn't have to be a saga.  It doesn't have to be about Cuba.  But we all brought back with us (aside from that bug) something of the spirit of fun and curiosity that brought us together.  So... You may have been on another journey.  You may have seen a movie, read a book.  You may have encountered a new friend, eaten at a great restaurant.  Write a bit about it, send it to me, include a picture if you'd like, and I'll post it and let everyone know.  (I won't edit!  I'll preserve all of your, um... idiosyncrasies of language!  Just cut, paste, post, et voilĂ !)

Wouldn't this be great?  Who of us would not want to know how little Stash is doing from time to time?  See how he looks a few months down the road?  Hear about Peter and Andrea's trip to Italy?  See a painting by Sarah?  Hear music news from RenĂ©?  Get a picture of Kate's garden in dead of winter?

You see what I mean?  It would not be a great chore, just a little ongoing community project--and don't we all need these communities, these days?

Let me know what you think, via email of course.  I could start by publishing a selection of responses.

 And then... who's on first?  VIVA CUBA!

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